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The title of this site is only partially true, because
“ at 01. Juni 2007 the coast station Norddeich Radio would have had it´s hundreds
anniversary, if it was not closed for ever at 31. December 1998”.
The station was known wordwide by all travellers on sea, radio enthusiasts and in Germany
especially through the broadcast service sent every Christmas: “ Gruß an Bord”. Norddeich Radio was only partially been involved here.
This service was produced by the NDR (Norddeutscher Rundfunk Hamburg) and sent every 24th of December.
(more on this topic can be found on this site)
In remembrance of this well known coast station the radio clubs
Norddeich (VFDB), DOK Z-65, whose members mostly were employees of Norddeich Radio, and the club Hage (DARC), DOK I-55 will show a lot of activities to celebrate this birthday.
This will take place in the historic building of the former transmitting station Osterloog.
Nowadays this building houses the “Waloseum” (Museum) and a quarantine place of the “Seehundstation Norddeich”.
Beside our activities concerning ham-radio the history and evaluation of Norddeich Radio will
be shown in various exhibits and lectures. Therefore it will also be interesting for people with no technical background.
This site will constantly be updated and inform about the details.
VFDB = Verband der Funkamateure in Telekommunikation und Post
DARC = Deutscher Amateur Radio Club